Pluto Retrograde 2022

Pluto stations retrograde in Capricorn on April 29th at exactly 1:38 pm CDT. This retrograde motion will last until October 8th, 2022. Expect a reckoning regarding our deeper motivations and how we wield our influence.

Sometimes what is driving us subconsciously, isn’t what we understand consciously. Many of us have made choices or engaged in activities where we were sure about our motives, only to look back later and see that there was more going on than we presumed. This retrograde will force us to see where we have been avoiding the truth, where we weren’t entirely aware of our intentions.

Pluto’s retrograde overlaps most of Saturn’s retrograde, so the next four months may show us where we aren’t putting in enough effort or dedication. If there is something you really care about, start reassessing now how much actual work or time you’ve put toward the cause, situation, or person. You may need to hold yourself to a higher standard.

We should also use this time to consider whether our comfort zone is still our comfort zone. We can, at times, get so used to what was comfortable to us that we forget to check-in and evaluate if it’s still truly our comfort zone anymore. Maybe we’ve evolved or changed fundamentally, requiring us to reconsider what we find comfortable. 

Finally, pay attention during this retrograde to where you are influential. And I don’t mean where you want to be influential, but where you are actually influential. I want us to stop wasting our time trying to be effective where we can’t be. If someone is repeatedly not listening to us, if others disregard our efforts or talents, redirect that energy in ways you can make a difference. 

Look to the house with Capricorn on the cusp for more information on what topics this retrograde will most affect. Use this retrograde to bring you into who you are now.