New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus

There is a partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus on Saturday, April 30th at exactly 3:28 pm CDT. All of the eclipses in 2022 occur in either Taurus or Scorpio, so keep your eye on those houses in your chart. Expect some significant evolutions to come out of those areas of your life this year. Since this is only a partial eclipse, we may feel like whatever we discover, we’re only getting part of the story or missing some information. But remember, eclipses bring disturbances, so embrace it all as part of the cycle.

Since this is a New Moon/Eclipse in Taurus, something we thought was settled or established might get uprooted. It may be that we missed something necessary in our efforts to plow forward. We also may need to re-evaluate how we deal with or maintain our resources. It may be that we don’t actually have what we need to feel comfortable or secure after all. 

Globally there may be an increase in issues related to financial systems and natural resources. Southern South America will be most affected as the eclipse covers that part of the planet. This is not the time to engage in a risky financial arrangement or make impulsive investments. Ensure you are stocked with vital supplies and pay attention to weather-related news. (This is not to scare you! Most of us will come out unscathed, but it is my job to prepare you.)

The Moon is close to joining Uranus during this New Moon/Eclipse highlighting something in our lives that needs to be changed or adjusted. Look to your rising sign horoscope above to find out topics that could be affected. There is also a greater possibility of unexpected events or consequences, so hold on tight.

The very good news is that Venus joins Jupiter in Pisces very soon after this New Moon/Eclipse, and Venus rules both planets. We can navigate these challenges successfully if we rely on lovingkindness and generosity towards others, which means we may have to put our egos aside right now. Let’s keep trying to make the world a better place, starting with ourselves.

ARIES RISING: You may have to adjust your relationship with what resources you have at your disposal. Issues around possessions and finances may rise to the surface; consider taking time to be alone or focus on your inner self.

TAURUS RISING: You may experience a sudden change in your appearance or sense of who you are. Issues around how you look to others may come up; consider reaching out for guidance or assurance.

GEMINI RISING: You may be forced to be alone or focus more on your inner self. Issues around isolation or confinement may arise; use this time to consider how the world sees you.

CANCER RISING: There may be sudden changes in who you socialize or associate with. Issues with acquaintances or groups you belong to may surface; look to your personal beliefs or philosophies for guidance.

LEO RISING: You may experience a change related to your career or where you have authority. Issues around your reputation may come up; try working through a fear or anxiety you’re carrying.

VIRGO RISING: You may unexpectedly shift a personal belief or philosophy. Issues regarding your worldview may arise; look to a close relationship for advice or direction.

LIBRA RISING: You may have to deal with a change related to joint finances or a loan. Issues around an anxiety or deep fear may surface; try incorporating a healthier lifestyle.

SCORPIO RISING: You may have to deal with a shift in a close relationship. Issues regarding who you care most about may come up; look to what bring you joy or pleasure.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: You may experience a sudden change in your routine or health. Issues around your daily activities may surface; look to your family for support or take more time to be at home.

CAPRICORN RISING: You may experience a shift related to something that brings your joy or pleasure. Issues around romance or play may come up; vocalize what is bothering you.

AQUARIUS RISING: You may experience a sudden change related to your family or home. Issues regarding your living situation or family members may surface; use your resources for help.

PISCES RISING: You may experience a sudden shift in how you communicate or engage with your local community. Issues related to your neighborhood or new ways of thinking may come up; stay firm in your sense of who you are.