Sun Enters Gemini

On Friday, May 20th, the Sun enters Gemini at exactly 8:23 pm CDT and will stay here until June 21st. This will not be a palpable change, as the Sun’s ruler, Mercury, re-enters Taurus on Sunday as it goes through its retrograde cycle. We may feel like we are stuck, dealing with the same old matters for a while still. Still, we can look forward to the second half of June, when we finally get some true Gemini energy and momentum.

The following two weeks may have us grappling with our choices and considering how we hold our power. Since Mercury is retrograde until June 3rd, the Sun is dealing with a distracted ruler. While Mercury is busy going over old business, the Sun is left on its own, unable to move forward. So we don’t have much choice but to reflect on how we express ourselves.

Gemini season gets started right away on May 21st when the Sun joins Mercury. There is still the potential for new or uncovered information to come our way. Still, we should be cautious as matters may not go as we originally planned.

The Sun connects with Jupiter on May 22nd. Increase your knowledge about a particular matter, or be open to expanding your perspective.

On June 5th, the Sun connects with Chiron. Look for an opportunity to have a healing conversation or write down any painful emotions that you need to express.

Finally, the Sun connects with Saturn and Neptune on June 15th. Concentrate on intellectual matters that involve the bigger picture, but allow yourself flexibility as we may find ourselves easily distracted.

Even though we get off to a slow start, Gemini season still holds a lot of potential for us to get more involved in what interests us. Give your brain a break and let it do something it enjoys! Engage with your curiosities, connect with your favorite people, and be inquisitive. Approach life with a “beginner’s mind” genuinely open to understanding, without preconceived notions. We often have many more possibilities available to us than we realize.