Mars Enters Aries

Mars enters Aries on May 24th at exactly 6:17 pm CDT and will stay here until July 5th. Mars is finally back in one of the signs it rules. We are finally ready to act on behalf of our inner strengths and direct our energy outward without holding back. Since Mars has no one to answer to but itself, we can operate with a sort of impunity, not letting others dictate our actions and motivations, allowing our true nature the expression it deserves.

Of course, this all sounds nice, but we must remember Mars is a malefic planet, so there will also be a downside. We are at risk for overreactions, impulsivity, and defensiveness when Mars is in Aries. And look, if we harness that energy correctly, we can channel it into some good by sticking up for the underdog or having courage where we wouldn’t typically. But we need to be aware of our impulses, and we must not let any destructive tendencies overrule what is ultimately good for us. 

Mars makes a big entrance on May 28th when it joins Jupiter. This could be a wonderful day to make a big move forward in our lives, as long as we look before we leap. Take a risk you usually wouldn't have the courage to pull off.

Next, on June 15th, Mars joins Chiron. If our egos have been bruised lately, we may be feeling the effects around this time. Tackle emotional issues head-on but maturely.

Then on June 27th, Mars connects with Saturn. Look for and seize an opportunity to act in accordance with your long-term vision. Set down roots and establish yourself somewhere - stop dragging your feet.

Finally, on July 1st Mars squares off with Pluto. We may feel especially impatient or impetuous. Avoid acting rashly, dig into your deeper motivations.

It can be a tricky balance advocating for ourselves while still practicing lovingkindness. To be a better person, we often need to put our egos in the appropriate place, but we also need first to understand our egos. So learn to know yourself! Practice self-awareness! Because we can’t change what we refuse to recognize.