Jupiter Enters Aries

Jupiter enters Aries on May 10th, at 6:22 pm CDT, and will stay here until October 28th. This is a significant shift for Jupiter as it leaves its home in Pisces, a sign where it is incredibly comfortable, to the fiery arena of Aries. Jupiter’s time in Aries will be complicated, as it includes a retrograde that begins on July 28th. We only have about three months to take full advantage of this energy. Then we will be forced to retrace our steps and learn any lessons we missed along the way. 

Jupiter wants good things for us! It wants us to grow and expand in a positive direction. And all we need to do is align ourselves with the energy of the sign it's in. So with Jupiter in Aries, we first need to be more adventurous. It’s time for us to be eager and active participants in our life. No more sitting on the sidelines, waiting for your turn - your turn is now. Believe in yourself a little more; it may be rewarded.

We should also extend that belief in ourselves further and find ways of being more self-sufficient. I want us to believe that we can overcome obstacles by taking the initiative and using our strengths. What are you good at? Where do you excel? Try to be more independent in those areas of your life. Look to the house with Aries in your chart and work towards being more self-reliant regarding those topics.

The next few months are also an ideal time to champion or promote issues that we feel passionately about. Fight for what you believe in, take a stand. If you feel strongly about something, this is not the time to be quiet. Sometimes being a good person means participating, so step up and make a difference.

All that being said, there is the possibility that we may go overboard. Jupiter in Aries can push us to take on too much. So, as they say, bite off only what you can chew. Be careful not to be overly impulsive. Try to take intelligent risks that you feel will pay off. 

The next few months are an opportunity for us to take stock of our true nature. Because where we show up and engage says a lot about who we really are.