Venus Enters Taurus

Venus enters Taurus on May 28th at exactly 9:46 am CDT and will stay here until June 22nd. We must shift how we approach relationships and take them to a more stable and consistent place. Venus is now in a sign it rules and has no one it has to answer to. Many of us may feel a renewed interest in seeking what we desire and want to feel the full weight of a relationship. Use the next three weeks to establish your relationships further and pursue what you want relentlessly.

Let’s also be aware that Mercury is retrograde and won’t be fully functioning until June 11th. So until then, don’t rely solely on communicating to move relationships forward. Show in other ways how you can be a solid presence in someone’s life - send gifts, cook for them, or just spend a lot more time together.

Venus’ first planetary connection doesn’t happen until June 11th, when it joins Uranus. This may feel like a jolt or wake-up call to something in a relationship we haven’t given our full attention. Avoid making significant financial choices around this time.

Venus connects with Saturn and Neptune on June 18th. As long as we don’t let stubborn attitudes get in the way, we may see an opportunity to connect more spiritually in a relationship. Push yourself to take your finances more seriously by considering the long-term view.

Finally, Venus connects pleasantly with Pluto on the 20th. This is an ideal moment to take a relationship to the next level or make a serious financial decision. 

I can’t stress enough how important it is for us to listen to our hearts right now. Venus is currently the most dignified planet in the sky because it has the bonus of triplicity when in Taurus. I won’t explain triplicity here, but simply, it means added luck or favor to the planet’s activities. Desire and attraction can be very powerful tools if we use them correctly. So love bigger, harder, but most importantly, consistently! The sky is trying to help us along, and I want us to let it.