
Mars Enters Taurus

Mars enters Taurus on June 8th at exactly 11:35 p.m. and will stay there until July 20th. This is a significant shift for Mars as it transitions from its home sign, Aries, to leisurely Taurus, seeking comfort. For the next six weeks, pursue your goals with determination, use your resilience as motivation, and let your desire for stability guide your actions.

Venus Enters Taurus

Venus enters Taurus on March 16th at exactly 5:34 pm CDT and will stay here until April 10th. This is a positive shift for Venus as it finally returns to one of its home signs after many months! Venus loves the strength and comfort Taurus provides because love (and money, Venus does rule money, after all) flourishes under stable conditions.

New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus

There is a partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus on Saturday, April 30th at exactly 3:28 pm CDT. All of the eclipses in 2022 occur in either Taurus or Scorpio, so keep your eye on those houses in your chart. Expect some significant evolutions to come out of those areas of your life this year. Since this is only a partial eclipse, we may feel like whatever we discover, we’re only getting part of the story or missing some information. But remember, eclipses bring disturbances, so embrace it all as part of the cycle.

Sun Enters Taurus

The Sun leaves Aries and enters Taurus at 3:33 pm CDT, April 19th dissipating the intensity of the last few weeks into something more foundational and deliberate. We are ready to transition into a more security-focused and intentional space. The next four weeks should be spent focusing on how we can achieve some comfort and stability, not just for ourselves but for others as well.

Mercury Enters Taurus

On Monday, April 19th, Mercury will enter Taurus at 5:29 am CDT after spending the last three weeks in Aries. During that time, we focused on brainstorming new ideas and initiating conversations. We should now focus on which of those ideas has the power to last and which conversations can lead us somewhere productive. Shift your attention to the ideas you want to focus on for the next three weeks.

Venus Enters Taurus

On Wednesday, April 14th, Venus leaves Aries and enters Taurus at exactly 1:22 pm CDT. Relationship and financial matters begin to start to settle into something more permanent, and we are focusing on situations that have actual staying power and provide us with some security. We should also prioritize our own comfort and look into how we can incorporate a little more indulgence in our lives.

Mars Enters Taurus

Mars finally leaves Aries and enters Taurus on January 6th at exactly 4:27 pm CST. Mars spent six months in Aries, which is unusually long due to a retrograde. I know many of us have felt a lot of frustration over the last six months, hopefully that will change now. Mars will stay in Taurus until March 3rd with no retrogrades, yay! Mars in Taurus is all about slow and consistent action, so focus your energy on things you can stick to and matters that require commitment. Check-in with yourself and make sure you are making progress, though; Mars can sometimes be a little too slow in Taurus, so make sure you aren't putting things off.

Mercury Enters Taurus

Today, April 27th at 2:53 pm CDT, Mercury leaves Aries and enters Taurus. If you spoke out of turn, or said something you shouldn’t have while Mercury was in Aries, Mercury in Taurus gives us a chance to calm down, and really think before we speak. Communications may slow down, as everyone takes more time deciding what they want to say, and decision making will focus on being practical.