
Mercury Enters Cancer

Mercury enters Cancer on July 5th at exactly 1:25 am CDT and will stay here until July 19th. We have just two short weeks with this transit, but mentally we will go through many stages as our outlook changes every 2-3 days with the Moon, Cancer’s ruler. Don’t hold too tightly to one communication strategy - let your emotions dictate your approach.

Mercury Enters Cancer

Mercury finally gets out of Gemini, enters Cancer at exactly 3:35 pm CDT, and stays there until July 27th. Mercury has been in Gemini for the last 8 weeks, which is unusually long due to its retrograde. Many of us are mentally exhausted at this point due to overthinking and our minds racing. Begin to shift away from communicating in a way where you are just collecting information or focusing on the facts. We can actually care about others through our words by reaching out, asking thoughtful questions, and communicating empathy.

Sun Enters Cancer

The Sun will leave Gemini and enter Cancer on Sunday, June 20th at exactly 10:32 pm CDT. This event also marks the Summer/Winter Solstice. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, so we are often extra sensitive, and our moods rarely stay in one place. The Sun will be pretty busy during its time in Cancer which should help us work through some of the emotions we’ve put on hold.

Venus Enters Cancer

Venus will leave Gemini and enter Cancer Wednesday, June 2nd at exactly 8:19 am CDT. Venus will stay in Cancer until June 26th, so we should spend the next three weeks focusing on nurturing what we care about and examining any insecurities that lead us to bond with undesirable people. Mercury will also be retrograde for most of Venus’ time in Cancer, so be careful if people from your past resurface; make sure you do not let them emotionally take advantage of you. Maintain those healthy boundaries while securing the relationships that build you up.

Mars Enters Cancer

Mars entered Cancer Friday, April 23rd at exactly 6:49 am CDT. Mars will stay in this water sign until June 11th, 2021. The next couple of months should be spent slowing down a little and working with our emotions more. The Moon will now rule Mars, so emotions may be all over the place. We must remember to prioritize processing our feelings before acting on them.

Venus Enters Cancer

Venus finally leaves Gemini today and enters Cancer at exactly 10:21 am CDT. Venus going from an air sign to a water sign will be quite a change, we’ll be less tempted to be social and instead want to retreat somewhere we feel safe. Venus will make some difficult aspects to both malefics, Mars and Saturn so be ready to face some challenges. Focus on nurturing your environment, improving your living space, and being protective of loved ones.

Sun Enters Cancer

On Saturday, June 20th, the Sun will leave Gemini and enter Cancer at 5:44 pm CDT. Having the Sun in a Moon ruled sign will highlight our emotions, intuition, and memories. The Moon represents the feminine energy that creates life and our origins, and also where we find comfort. While the Sun is in Cancer pay attention to the structures and habits you’ve fallen into simply because they were comforting.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

Today, June 17th, Mercury ended its direct motion and turned retrograde. Mercury is still in Cancer and will remain there until the retrograde is over on July 19th. For the next few weeks we will be reviewing our feelings and re-evaluating what really nurtures us. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, and remember, the Moon changes sign every 2-3 days, which is partly why Cancer is a more sensitive, and at times, moody sign. A lot of different feelings will rise up during this retrograde and it is up to us to sort through them.

Mercury Enters Cancer

Today, May 28th, at exactly 1:09 pm CDT Mercury leaves Gemini and enters Cancer. Mercury usually stays in a sign for about three weeks, but will have an extended stay in Cancer due to an upcoming Mercury retrograde. Get ready for a summer of feelings because Mercury will be here until August 4th! Cancer, as a sign, is primarily concerned with safety and security, so while Mercury is here our thoughts turn more to matters around comfort. Cancer is also a water sign so we may be less logical and more emotional while Mercury is here.