Sun Enters Leo

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd at exactly 3:07 pm CDT and will stay here until August 22nd. We are out of Cancer's sensitive, emotional waters and ready to move forward with more confidence and pride. It’s time we take care of ourselves a little more.

Many of us desperately need a moment to check in and consider our needs. Often, when a lot is going on, either personally or globally, we can easily push our needs to the side. And we keep pushing them farther and farther away in order to prioritize what we think is more important. But your unfulfilled needs are affecting you, and they are affecting those around you. It’s like when you’re hungry and start snapping at people when you really just need to eat something. What have you been pushing aside that you need to accept and take care of?

The Sun’s first connection is on July 31st, when it connects pleasantly with Jupiter. This is a great time to be adventurous or active. Since Jupiter will be newly retrograde, it may be tempting to take a significant risk or be impulsive, so exercise caution and reason.

Then on August 8th, the Sun connects pleasantly with Chiron. Prioritize your emotional needs. Use this time to reconcile old emotional wounds with where you are today.

Finally, the Sun squares off with Uranus on August 10th. We may be stubborn or insistent about any adjustments we need to make. Try to be more adaptable and avoid lashing out.

We’re often led to believe there is some intrinsic benefit in being really self-critical, but people who hate themselves are rarely good people. So go out and be a little more confident - use your gifts and talents (I promise you have them). Let’s take this time to remember that it is okay, and actually, a positive thing, to love ourselves.