Jupiter Retrograde 2022

Jupiter stations retrograde on July 28th at exactly 3:37 pm CDT. Jupiter's retrograde cycle will last until November 23rd and will take the planet back through Aries and into Pisces before it stations direct again. This will be a period of questioning and adjusting what we had faith in and why we had faith in it. It may be that we had hope in the wrong things or that our moral compass got lost somewhere along the way. We may have assumed some things would make us happy and haven't lived up to that expectation.

Since this retrograde starts in Aries, we must be careful with any tendency to be impulsive right now. It may be tempting to be impatient or intolerant, so we must use what relaxation and mindfulness techniques we know to help us. It is easy to be frustrated when we start to notice what has disappointed us but don’t let frustration eat away at hope and optimism. There is still time for adjustment and changes, don’t force yourself to rush.

Around the middle of September, Mercury begins an opposition to Jupiter. This is a perfect time to rethink issues around selfishness or destructive decision-making. Make sure short-term thinking hasn’t led you down the wrong road.

Toward the end of September, Jupiter will oppose the Sun and Venus. Make sure you are considering the needs of others and aren’t letting your ego get the best of you. 

Around October 11th Jupiter re-connects with Mercury. Take a moment and see whether you may be blowing something out of proportion. Have an attitude check, and again make sure you aren’t letting impulsive decisions take over.

On October 28th, Jupiter officially re-enters Pisces. This may bring up an issue back from May when Jupiter was last in Pisces. Reflect on how compassionate you’ve been and work on getting back in touch with your intuition.

The middle of November sees Jupiter connecting with Pluto. If we are willing to grow and learn from our mistakes, we may have an opportunity to evolve in a meaningful direction.

I want us to remember that our beliefs reflect our inner nature during this retrograde. What do yours say about you?