Mercury Enters Leo

Mercury enters Leo on July 19th at exactly 7:35 am CDT and will stay here until August 3rd. The planet that rules our thoughts and communications is telling us to shift our focus back toward ourselves so we can honor our truth. 

The next three weeks offer us a brief moment to reflect on our own perspectives. For some of us, this is easy and natural. But some of us so often put others before ourselves that we repeatedly neglect our own viewpoint. Take time to ask yourself, “What do I think about this” without the influence of others. And yes, some uncomfortable truths may come to the surface when we prioritize being authentic, but Mercury in Leo also gives us the confidence and courage to put those concerns to the side. 

Mercury’s first connection is on July 23rd, when it connects pleasantly with Jupiter. This is a great time to speak out about something important or stand up for what you believe in. 

Then on July 26th, Mercury squares off with Mars. Avoid confrontations. Be careful not to commit to something you’re unwilling to follow through on.

The next day on the 27th, Mercury connects pleasantly with Chiron. Speak up and give voice to any lingering emotional wounds. This is also a good time to express how you like others to treat you.

Mercury squares off with Uranus on the 28th. Try to be more flexible in your thinking. Push yourself to see a new perspective.

Finally, on July 30th Mercury opposes Saturn. There may be a difference in how we see matters compared to others. Avoid being self-centered and consider the bigger picture.

The downside of Mercury in Leo is that we can get a little too proud or boisterous. But if we can avoid going down that route, I hope we can see the value in expressing ourselves authentically. Take a break from saying what you think others want to hear, and from holding back your opinion. Your thoughts and ideas are important. Let them shine through.