Venus Enters Leo

Venus enters Leo on August 11th at exactly 1:30 pm CDT and will stay here until September 4th. This transit encourages us to get back in touch with our own aesthetic - what we find beautiful and attractive. We are also ready for our expressions of love to get bigger and bolder, as we love ourselves and others more. It’s time to bring whatever romantic feelings or values you've kept in the dark into the light.

Venus in Leo is a noteworthy moment every year because it is the only time Venus is ruled by the Sun. That connection causes us to invest in our relationships in a way that is personal to us. The next three weeks will let us know what we authentically care about - not what others want for us or what we’ve convinced ourselves of. So notice which relationships help you feel more connected to yourself, more in touch with who you really are. Those are the relationships you should be prioritizing.

Venus’ first connection is on August 17th, when it connects pleasantly with Jupiter. This is a great day to demonstrate your feelings for someone else or just be generous towards others. Romantic risks may also be more successful this day.

On August 24th, Venus and Chiron connect agreeably. We may be better equipped to handle any emotional hurdles in a relationship and be more open to healing and moving forward.

Next, Venus squares off with Uranus on August 26th. A relationship may need a push in order to evolve - see how you can be more adaptable or experimental.

Finally, on August 28th, Venus opposes Saturn. We may have lost sight of the bigger picture - make sure your romantic gestures aren’t seen as frivolous. If there is a lack of seriousness in a relationship, it could become an issue now.

Venus in Leo reminds us that we should be appreciated and respected in our relationships. It isn’t healthy to give ourselves to those who don’t show us care, and it is not unreasonable to want a relationship that makes us feel good about ourselves. So set your standards a little higher. You deserve it.