Full Moon in Aquarius

There is a Full Moon in Aquarius on Thursday, August 11th, at exactly 8:36 pm CDT. This may be a more impactful Full Moon than usual, especially for those with significant placements in fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius). 

First, Saturn is putting pressure on both the Sun and the Moon as it rules both of them. As Saturn retrogrades through Aquarius, we may revisit some of our long-term plans or goals and see how we could go about matters more wisely. This Full Moon will bring a big reality check - are we getting farther away or closer to what we are ultimately working toward?

Further adding to the pressure is Mars in Taurus. Mars will be squaring off with the Moon, indicating that while we see the need to act slow and methodically, it is creating a frustrating situation internally. Mentally we may be in the future, focused on a more visionary perspective, but when we need to put that into action, we are only capable of tiny steps forward. Our minds are ahead of what we feel capable of executing.

There is also pressure between the Sun and the Moon in opposite signs. The Moon in Aquarius wants to be cool and logical, while the Sun in Leo wants to go after what excites and interests us. Take this moment to view something you’re enthusiastic about with a detached viewpoint. Does that change your perspective? Do you see how you should adjust your approach? Scrutinize what techniques and methods you’ve been utilizing.

The astrology right now is testing our ability to work within limitations. Often when we are faced with hardship, we react by becoming entrenched in our positions, inflexible, and resolute. Let’s not lose sight of the bigger picture right now, even if that means becoming a little more flexible and kinder to ourselves.

ARIES RISING: Work through the pressures or limitations in your friendships or casual acquaintances logically. Keep bringing in joy, romance, and all the things that create happiness for you.

TAURUS RISING: Focus on working through the limitations or pressures in your career with a detached perspective. Continue to be gracious and generous at home or with family.

GEMINI RISING: Focus on objectively managing the wider world's pressures or long-distance travel. Stay close to your local community or siblings, and enjoy communicating.

CANCER RISING: Focus on managing the pressure from insecurities, and limitations partnering with others impartially. Keep enjoying or sharing what you own.

LEO RISING: Work through the pressure or limitations in a close relationship by keeping the bigger picture in mind. Continue to make a good impression on others and appreciate yourself.

VIRGO RISING: Focus on logically managing your life's routine pressures and limitations. Continue to enjoy your solitude and let yourself regroup.

LIBRA RISING: Work through any limitations finding joy or creativity objectively. Continue to enjoy your friendships and casual relationships.

SCORPIO RISING: Work impartially through the pressures or limitations at home or with family. Continue to be confident in your career or public works.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Objectively deal with pressures or limitations in communication, siblings, or your local community. Continue to enjoy the wider world and be proud of your knowledge.

CAPRICORN RISING: Work through any financial pressures or limitations logically and impartially. Continue to increase your confidence levels and ability to be vulnerable.

AQUARIUS RISING: Deal with any pressures about your appearance or personality objectively. Continue to be loyal and warm in your close relationships.

PISCES RISING: Work through any pressures or limitations surrounding isolation or hidden matters. Continue to take care of your health and your daily routine.