Mercury Enters Virgo

Mercury enters Virgo on August 4th at exactly 1:58 am CDT and will stay here until August 25th. Mercury is back in one of its home signs where it is most comfortable, but that will mean our minds will be more active than usual. We all have a unique relationship with our minds, so for some of us, this will be a very productive time, but others may find themselves overwhelmed and constantly trying to interpret information. Let’s make sure to take breaks and get out of our heads occasionally.

As we go through these next few weeks, remember that we can't know everything as much as we want to. Mercury in Virgo wants us to define and catalog every thought or idea we have. And while that can be a beneficial system, we must remember that thinking doesn’t always lead to positive outcomes. At some point, we need to draw a line and know that overthinking won’t lead to anywhere but frustration.

Mercury doesn’t make many major planetary connections during its time in Virgo, so a lot of how we handle this transit will be up to us. Mercury’s first connection is on August 16th, when it connects pleasantly with Uranus. This is a great moment to consider new plans or ideas. We may also find ways to make useful adjustments or be more efficient.

Then on August 20th, Mercury opposes Neptune. We may find that collecting information or analyzing what we know isn’t giving us what we need in a matter. Bring your intuition into the equation for more insight and balance.

Finally, on August 22nd, Mercury connects pleasantly with Pluto. This is also another great moment to see how you can make reasonable but impactful life changes. Any ideas you have around this time may be significant, so make sure to pay attention to them.

We know that the most important things in life require us to think carefully about them. So for the next three weeks, make detailed plans! Get organized! Research! Investigate! Harness the power of your mind to be a better, more thoughtful person.