Lunar Nodes Enter Aries and Libra

The Moon’s Lunar Nodes will shift from Taurus/Scorpio into Aries/Libra. For those who calculate nodes based on the Mean Node calculation, this shift happens on July 12th, and for those who calculate the nodes based on True Node, this happens on July 17th. The nodes will stay in Aries/Libra until January 2025.

On a personal level, look to the houses in your chart with Aries and Libra on the cusp. The topics of those houses will tell you more about what areas of your life will be most affected by the nodal shift. If you have any planets in Aries or Libra, you can also expect those planets to be activated by the nodes over the next year and a half.

Collectively we should look to the North Node in Aries as the energy we should gravitate towards, but only after we’ve left the Libra South Node behind. It is crucial that we understand we must first relinquish the South Node by evolving past it before we can truly start to advance toward the North Node.

We begin the work of withdrawing from the South Node in Libra by moving past our compulsions to capitulate, determining where we are insincere, and recognizing how we are indecisive. We must consider where we value balance and harmony over expressing our true selves and how this keeps us in a continuous cycle of superficiality.

Only once we have done that can we move toward self-assertion and straightforwardness, the goals of the North in Aries. The following year and a half will continue to push in new directions that require courage, drive, and an unbeatable spirit. But we can only successfully travel to those destinations once we’ve left the impulse to please everyone behind us.