Venus Enters Aquarius

Venus enters Aquarius on February 16th at exactly 10:05 am CST and will stay here until March 11th. With Venus now in an air sign, we should focus more on maintaining communication in our relationships as well as our mental connection with others. For the next three weeks, appreciate what makes others different or special, value long-lasting relationships, and see past what others have on the surface.

Many confuse Venus in Aquarius as prioritizing friendship more than romantic love, but that may be because they are confusing the 11th house with Aquarius. As a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn, Venus in Aquarius values romantic love and friendship like all the other signs. So, let’s move past this idea of equating Aquarius with the 11th house and consider the true nature of Venus here.

What makes Venus in Aquarius special is its ability to see past the surface of other people to really notice and value what makes them different. If you’ve ever been loved by someone who truly loves you for you, you know how intoxicating and unforgettable being seen like that is. Let’s spend this time treasuring the unique qualities we love in others and root past people’s exteriors to find something beautiful.

Long-lasting relationships will also become a bigger priority for us over these next few weeks. Aquarius is a fixed sign, so once it sets its energy in a direction, it likes to stay in that direction. Relationships that have stood the test of time deserve extra appreciation, so remember to honor those who have stuck around during this time.

As with all air signs, Venus in Aquarius needs lots of healthy back-and-forth communication. Prioritize staying in contact with those you care about and really appreciate those in your life with whom you can talk openly and freely.

You know that weird thing about you that you assume no one would ever like? Venus in Aquarius has no problem with it. Probably likes you even more because of it. So be your weird self around others. I promise there is someone who thinks all of you is absolutely perfect.


Friday February 16

Venus joins Pluto pressuring us to seek more intense experiences with others as long as we can avoid giving in to our insecurities.

Wednesday February 21

Venus joins Mars intensifying our desires and eagerness to meet other’s needs. Be more cooperative and deeply engage with others on a mental level.

Saturday February 24

Venus squares off with Jupiter. Avoid dealing with others too coldly. Instead, indulge your feelings for those you care about.

Saturday March 2

Venus squares off with Uranus. Avoid complacency in your relationships. Seek out more stimulating or exciting people as you look for different experiences.