Mars Enters Aquarius

Mars enters Aquarius on February 13th at exactly 12:05 am CST and will stay here until March 22nd. Mars will remain Saturn-ruled; however, the energy will be more conceptual and dynamic now that it's in an air sign. For the next six weeks, use non-traditional methods to get what you want, be more independently motivated, and fight for progressive causes.

While Mars was in Capricorn, we were concerned with what we could accomplish within a set of parameters. Now that we’re shifting to Aquarius, we should continue to be persistent and determined but also willing to employ more unconventional methods. If you’ve been waiting to attempt a new approach, this is the time to try it. Forgo the standard route and embrace trying something experimental.

We should also feel more empowered to go about matters in our own way now that Mars is here. Listen to your unique inner voice and let it guide you without allowing the influence of others to pollute it. Advice and guidance from others is lovely, but at the end of the day, we are responsible for our actions, so let’s ensure we are doing what we truly want instead of trying to fit in.

Mars in Aquarius also wants us to champion progressive causes and freedom of existence. We must move toward more forward-minded humanitarian work that aims to be inclusive and aligns with others. We also must remember that the world isn’t going to improve if we all expect other people to do the work. We all have to contribute and contribute consistently, to make this planet a better place.

I genuinely hope we use this time to free ourselves of the notion that there is simply one correct way of doing things. It can be difficult and scary to stray from a normal or predictable path, but often, that is where the most growth and understanding come from. Results matter more than methods. It doesn't matter how we get there as long as we get there in the end.


Tuesday February 13

Mars joins Pluto, pressuring us to break free from tradition and act more liberated as we send our energy in a decisive direction. Avoid unnecessary conflict and dangerous situations.

Wednesday February 21

Venus joins Mars. Taking an unconventional approach to our relationships may be best. Show your appreciation for others by encouraging them to be themselves.

Monday February 26

Mars squares off with Jupiter. Avoid acting too cool or detached. Instead, apply yourself optimistically to projects and be more generous with your resources.

Saturday March 9

Mars squares off with Uranus, pushing us to act out of impatience. Avoid impulsive reactions due to impatience. Instead, pay attention to where you need to make important changes in your life.