Mars Enters Aries

Mars enters Aries on April 30th at exactly 10:33 am CDT and will stay here until June 9th. Mars is finally leaving the seas of Pisces and entering the battle-tested arena of Aries. For the next six weeks, pursue your goals with bravery, use your competition as motivation, and let your determination guide your actions.

This marks a significant change for the planet Mars. Mars has returned to one of its home signs, and Aries is known for being a particularly aggressive and confrontational place for Mars. Consequently, we may feel more inclined to react to situations hastily and with a combative attitude. It will be essential for us to stay self-aware and use this energy in a positive manner.

Mars makes very few connections while in Aries, leaving us largely in control of managing this energy. It's crucial to be mindful of any impulses and train ourselves to pause before reacting. Remember, we have the power to use this energy for good, courageously standing up to injustices, or for bad, expressing the sign’s more immature characteristics. The choice is ours, and with mindfulness, we can navigate this period with control and grace.

One of the more positive ways we can channel this energy is by using our competition to propel us toward success. If we can embrace our rivals and use their accomplishments as motivation, we can push ourselves to achieve greater things. By using this mindset, we can turn competition from a source of stress into a source of inspiration and emerge stronger and more successful as a result.

Understandably, we may be feeling restless during this time. However, let's try to channel that energy towards something that truly matters. We can use this opportunity to engage with causes that resonate with us and work towards important goals with renewed empathy. As we learn how to lead by example, let's also extend a helping hand to those around us who may be struggling.


Thursday May 1

Mars connects with Pluto. Look for an opportunity to take a more aggressive approach to help others or contribute to societal transformation.

Wednesday May 29

Mars joins Chiron. Around this time, we may feel our insecurities and emotional issues more acutely and need to be more direct or honest about what is bothering us.