Sun Enters Cancer

The Sun enters Cancer on June 20th at exactly 3:51 pm CDT and will stay here until July 22nd.  The Sun finally transitions from lively, intellectual Gemini to the calm, comfortable waters of Cancer. For the next four weeks, express yourself warmly, strive to belong, and enjoy being kind.

In astrology, the Sun represents our conscious self and the Moon represents our emotions and subconscious. So, during Cancer season, our emotions may take a more prominent role in our lives, influencing our decisions and actions. Instead of focusing on expressing ourselves and making choices, we may revert to a more childlike state where we are a little more needy and emotional. This will be a sensitive time, heightening our need to belong, which may be difficult for some who grapple with feeling unwanted or ostracized.

We may succeed more if we focus on being needed. Sometimes, the easiest way to find acceptance is simply to be helpful and indispensable. We all have talents and skills, so let’s use them and create a better sense of community, not just for others but for ourselves. Even if we just fulfill simple favors, they can go a long way in creating deeper bonds. But let’s remember to be helpful in the ways others really need, not just what fulfills our egos.

During this Cancer season,  it’s vital we shift our priorities. We must relinquish our need to feel important and focus on others. Imagine a world where a billion people all have to feel important—what would that look like? Unfortunately, I think it would look a lot like the world we have now. Life is not a competition; there is no prize to win, so let’s be more humble and remember there are more valuable qualities to embody than self-importance.

In these challenging times, it's crucial we embrace our inner child and build a little nest in our hearts for them. We all long for a feeling of safety and assurance, and if those were lacking in the past, it's essential that we offer them to ourselves now. I hope we can all take this Cancer season to build a gentler spot for ourselves to land on.