Mercury Enters Cancer

Mercury enters Cancer on June 17th at exactly 4:07 am CDT and will stay here until July 2nd. Mercury’s time in its home sign of Gemini is over, and we must now welcome a more nurturing and kind perspective. For the next two weeks, seek out gentle interactions, communicate with more empathy, and reminisce.

As with all planets in Cancer, Mercury will be ruled by the Moon while here, encouraging our thoughts and communication style to be more intuitive. Since the Moon changes signs every few days, we should also expect our minds to be drawn to many different areas of our lives. As long as we embrace and accommodate these shifts, we should find the next two weeks quite illuminating.

Over the next two weeks, it is crucial to ensure that we engage in interactions primarily with individuals who will respect and consider our emotions. Since the Moon rules Mercury, it is highly likely that our conversations will shift towards more sensitive topics, making it even more essential to surround ourselves with those we trust and feel comfortable with. Furthermore, it is equally important to reciprocate and prioritize nurturing relationships with those who genuinely care for our well-being, consciously reaching out to them and offering support.

During this time, we may find ourselves drawn back into the past. The Moon, which rules Cancer, stores our memories, so we may be tempted to reminisce over the next two weeks. However, it's important to remember that recalling the past can be a delicate process. By reflecting on our prior experiences, we can continue to learn and cherish our happy moments, but let’s be mindful not to get stuck in what has happened and instead use it as a stepping stone to our enlightenment and growth. 

Let's never forget the profound impact our words can have on ourselves and those around us. Whether it's through a kind compliment or encouraging words, we have the power to uplift and inspire. I hope we use the next two weeks to choose kindness and utilize our words to create a positive and supportive environment for everyone.