Mercury Enters Gemini

Mercury enters Gemini on June 3rd at exactly 2:37 am CDT and will stay here until June 17th. After a long journey, Mercury finally gets back to one of its home signs. We only have a short time to use this energy, so we must make the most of it. For the next two weeks, let’s seek out mental stimulation, communicate more articulately, and engage in lively discussions.

We are in the midst of a very potent Gemini season as the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, and now Mercury are in Gemini, all ruled by a strong Mercury in Gemini. Our brains may be racing as we try to seek out and process any kind of information that comes our way. Or we may find ourselves very curious and drawn to novel experiences that stimulate our minds. However we decide to channel this energy, we must use our complexity and versatility to our advantage.

During this time, it's crucial to focus on being intellectually nimble rather than relying on tried-and-true modes of thinking. This is a time to embrace adaptability and curiosity and to be open to new or better information that may challenge our existing ideas. Our minds will feel lighter and more agile as we allow our thoughts to flow freely, while also being unafraid to edit or adjust them as needed. Remember, the more multifaceted and curious we are, the more in control we will feel.

We may also need to seek out more mental outlets during this time so our minds are not overwhelmed. Games, puzzles, books, jokes, and dynamic discussions will be our best friends over the next two weeks if we want to navigate this energy successfully. However, despite our best attempts, it may be tempting to become overly talkative or get into arguments just for the sake of them, which is why we need to find healthy outlets for our minds to gravitate to.

Let's use this time to celebrate our individual perspectives and share our passions and interests openly. By tending to our minds, we nurture our happiness, so let's enthusiastically embrace the inspiring paths they lead us on.


Monday June 3

Mercury connects with Pluto and Jupiter. Focus on delving into the profound issues that impact humanity and utilize logical reasoning and your ability to connect facts to gain a deeper insight into them.

Tuesday June 11

Mercury squares off with Saturn. Avoid placing too much emphasis on superficial information. Instead, use your compassion and patience to gain a greater insight into matters.

Friday June 14

The Sun joins Mercury in Gemini, prompting us to negotiate and see matters from a multi-faceted perspective. However, we must also avoid jumping to conclusions or speaking carelessly.

Sunday June 16

Mercury squares off with Neptune. Avoid making assumptions in your thinking. Instead, exercise caution when communicating and refrain from making important or impactful decisions.