Mars Enters Taurus

Mars enters Taurus on June 8th at exactly 11:35 p.m. and will stay there until July 20th. This is a significant shift for Mars as it transitions from its home sign, Aries, to leisurely Taurus, seeking comfort. For the next six weeks, pursue your goals with determination, use your resilience as motivation, and let your desire for stability guide your actions.

Mars has a difficult journey in Taurus. It does not get to act with the intensity or rashness it feels more comfortable operating under. Now, Mars must slow down, react cautiously, and be more methodical. If we want to navigate this time successfully, we must look to patience as our guiding light and draw on our inner strength.

Even though Mars faces challenges here, there are still many ways we can act constructively. First, we should operate in accordance with our values. Mars is ruled by Venus in Taurus, so the more we embrace our principles and standards, the more effectual we will be. Second, Taurus is a fixed earth sign, meaning we should stick to what works when there is doubt. Don’t be afraid to rely on what has worked in the past, and use what you know. Your experience will now be your most advantageous asset.

We must also remind ourselves that we are more resilient than we often give ourselves credit for. Yes, adapting to our circumstances is a necessary part of life, but so is persistence. Over the next six weeks, do not be deterred so quickly, and remember that some of our most important goals can only be accomplished with patience and resolve.

Our desire for stability may also surface during this time. On some level, we all need a few things to remain constant in our lives, so let’s work on acknowledging what those things are and stabilizing them even further. It’s okay for us to admit that, at the end of the day, we all need a solid place to land.