Sun Enters Capricorn

Sun enters Capricorn

On December 21st at 11:19pm EST the Sun leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. It’s time to shift from adventurous, enthusiastic energy of Sagittarius and get down to some serious business. Normally I would say, get ready to set goals and methodically work at reaching them, but this Capricorn season is different. That’s because Pluto, Saturn, and the South Node are also here in Capricorn which means we can try as hard as we can, but it won’t necessarily be easy. Obstacles may be thrown in our way, and we may learn difficult lessons in the next month. Wherever you have Capricorn in your chart is where you can expect the most difficulties. And with all this turmoil in Capricorn we may be tempted to become more controlling, and more fearful. Instead, I recommend focusing on your goals and keeping your eye on the finish line. Stress management will be more important than ever right now, and when things get difficult keep in mind that time flows, and this will pass. And remember “The best way out is always through.” - Robert Frost