Jupiter Enters Capricorn

Jupiter left it’s home sign of Sagittarius and entered Capricorn where it will stay until December 2020. To be honest, Jupiter doesn’t exactly love being in Capricorn. Capricorn loves structure and staying inside the lines, while Jupiter wants to expand and indulge. So while Jupiter is here we can learn how to grow within our limits, have fun without going overboard, and create concrete plans around our goals. Jupiter in Sagittarius is like when you first get to college and you’re super into taking interesting classes and partying a lot. But quickly we learn that we can’t go on like that forever and expect to be successful. Jupiter in Capricorn is the opportunity to reign it in and structure our lives in a way we can be productive. Sometimes working within the framework gives us a kind of scaffolding we can use to build ourselves up. Success often comes from hard work and planning so use the next 12 months to devote yourself to your goals.