Jupiter Enters Capricorn

Jupiter left it’s home sign of Sagittarius and entered Capricorn where it will stay until December 2020. To be honest, Jupiter doesn’t exactly love being in Capricorn. Capricorn loves structure and staying inside the lines, while Jupiter wants to expand and indulge. So while Jupiter is here we can learn how to grow within our limits, have fun without going overboard, and create concrete plans around our goals.

July 16th Partial Solar Eclipse in Capricorn

On Tuesday, July 16 we will have a partial lunar eclipse in Capricorn! Systems that aren’t working anymore may be uprooted. Capricorn is an earth sign and rules government, business matters, and land. We should expect these areas to experience a shift in the next couple of weeks. On a more personal level we could experience career changes, a relocation, or red tape.

April 19th Full Moon in Libra

We are about to experience a powerful Full Moon on April 19th! This Full Moon is the second time this year we have a Full Moon in Libra (the first one was on March 20th) - usually each zodiac sign gets one Full Moon a year. Also, this Full Moon will be especially potent as it occurs at the 29th degree of Libra. The 29th degree is the last degree of Libra (each sign has 30 degrees in it) and will bring an increase in the need and desire for completion.