April 19th Full Moon in Libra

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We are about to experience a powerful Full Moon on April 19th! This Full Moon is the second time this year we have a Full Moon in Libra (the first one was on March 20th) - usually each zodiac sign gets one Full Moon a year. Also, this Full Moon will be especially potent as it occurs at the 29th degree of Libra. The 29th degree is the last degree of Libra (each sign has 30 degrees in it) and will bring an increase in the need and desire for completion. Hold your horses* though – we don’t want to start ending things just because they aren’t going at our pace. Instead, maybe this is a good time to consider where we are being asked too much of. Is there anything we can do to bring more balance to our lives? This Full Moon trines the asteroid Juno in Gemini hinting that the solution may be in communicating. Is there some information we are missing or have overlooked? Are there conversations we have been avoiding? This is the time to make sure we are communicating our needs as clearly as we can. As Libra is all about balance, cooperation, and equality this Full Moon is a good time to consider ending what isn’t creating harmony in our existence. Yes endings can be hard, but they open up room for new, often better things to enter.

*hold your horses is a great expression and should never go out of style