May 4th Taurus New Moon


This May 4th we will have a New Moon in Taurus at 5:45 pm CDT. This will be a good time to put some structure and substance behind the things we have been desiring or dreaming of. It is time to get practical about what we need to do to accomplish our goals. As this New Moon sextiles Neptune in Pisces, take some time to be by yourself and consider what inspires you. Are there any intuitive hints that point to where you can turn something you desire into something real? There is also a possibility we will receive new assistance and resources to help us. The New Moon trines Saturn in Capricorn indicating that there may be an authority figure, or someone with experience that can guide or aid us. They may have some sensible advice or use their influence to help us out. Furthermore, this New Moon is a great time to be persuasive once we’ve figured out what we want. Once we’ve put a concrete plan together, it’s time to summon up all our charm because we may be especially good at saying the right thing during this New Moon. This is the time to start making your dreams a reality, just make sure you’ve thought your plans through.*

*do not impulsively buy a yacht is what I’m saying.