Saturn and Pluto Meet

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Today at 11:59am EST, Saturn and Pluto will occupy the same degree in Capricorn. This is a rare event that only occurs every 33-38 years, and the last time the two planets joined up in Capricorn was in 1518! If you don’t recall, that was around the time Martin Luther published his “95 Theses.” Just like back then, this is a time when we are questioning the power structures around us. Which makes sense as Saturn rules authority, and Pluto rules transformation. And when these two get together in Capricorn, a sign ruled by Saturn, changing the things that have power over us becomes a primary focus. The situation is made even more intense because Mercury and the Sun are extremely close to both Saturn and Pluto – only about one degree away! There is just so much Capricorn energy in the world right now, and we may be easily overwhelmed by our goals, or what we need to change in our lives.

We need to set realistic standards and expectations for ourselves. It is too easy to give in to feelings of insecurity and inadequacy right now. Stay focused on your goals, and as long as you take one step at a time, you will be fine. We also need to learn how to forgive ourselves. We are all imperfect beings, growing and learning, and sometimes we make mistakes, or have regrets. That is all perfectly normal so remember to be kind to yourself!

Everyone will feel the effects of these two planets joining together differently, but for some of us this Saturn, Pluto meet-up has brought some really tough life events. You may especially be affected if you have any important placements around 22° of Capricorn, or any of the other cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra). Hang in there, things will eventually improve. Nothing lasts forever, especially astrologically. And if you know someone who is dealing with a lot – be there for them! Reach out and do something kind.