
Saturn Enters Pisces

Saturn enters Pisces on March 7th at exactly 7:35 am CST and will stay here until 2026. The next three years are our opportunity to work on more practical or realistic uses of compassion and care. We will also shift our focus toward creating more certainty around confusing or ambiguous topics or concepts. Above all, we will only receive the kindness we give, and it will become more evident that what is at the root of our actions is what we will ultimately be confronted with.

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

Saturn will station retrograde in Aquarius on May 23rd and continue this motion until October 10th, 2021. We should hold off starting any important long-term projects if possible until Saturn stations direct, as this is a time for reflection and review. If you know what house in your chart has Aquarius on the cusp, consider especially that area of your life. There may be matters that need some adjustments or rethinking.

The Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn

On Monday, December 21st, Jupiter and Saturn will join each other in the 0 degree of Aquarius, an event that only happens once every 20 years. Jupiter and Saturn haven’t been together in Aquarius since 1405. This also sets off a new 200-year cycle making this Great Conjunction also a Great Mutation. This is a significant shift that we will experience gradually as a society.

Saturn Re-Enters Aquarius

On Wednesday, December 16th, Saturn leaves Capricorn and re-enters Aquarius, where it will spend the next two and a half years. Saturn was previously in Aquarius for a bit in March, but it didn’t stay there long because of its retrograde. Saturn will also be activating squares to the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio) now. Just like when it was in Capricorn, Saturn is especially comfortable here as it is one of the two signs Saturn naturally rules. Even though it is comfortable in both signs, Saturn in Aquarius will be quite different than Saturn in Capricorn.

Saturn Moves Direct

Early on Tuesday, September 29th, Saturn finally stations direct after a five-month retrograde. We probably faced a few serious obstacles or felt blocked since May. A lot of us learned that we actually need to work on or for the things we care about, things are not going to just fall into our lap. We will continue to see that only where we put our effort and time can we expect results. The good news is that paths will begin to open back up for us, and we can now make some tangible progress forward.

Saturn Retrograde

Well the last six months have been a lot! Many people were dealing with difficult things before the pandemic started, and now in many ways, life can seem completely overwhelming. Saturn is present in our lives to teach us about limitations, fear, and loss. Now that Saturn has turned retrograde it’s time to consider all that we’ve been through, and how we can use unfortunate circumstances for growth and renewal.

Saturn Enters Aquarius

Tonight at 10:58pm CDT Saturn leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius where it will spend the next two to three years! Just like when it was in Capricorn, Saturn is especially comfortable here as is it one of the two signs Saturn naturally rules. Even though it is comfortable in both signs, Saturn in Aquarius will be quite different than Saturn in Capricorn.

Saturn and Pluto Meet

Today at 11:59am EST, Saturn and Pluto will occupy the same degree in Capricorn. This is a rare event that only occurs every 33-38 years, and the last time the two planets joined up in Capricorn was in 1518! If you don’t recall, that was around the time Martin Luther published his “95 Theses.” Just like back then, this is a time when we are questioning the power structures around us.