Venus Enters Pisces!


Today Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces at 1:31pm EST. With so many planets in Capricorn, it will be nice to have Venus in a water sign, but we shouldn’t get too excited. Pisces, as a sign, is ruled by Jupiter, and guess where Jupiter is right now? Capricorn! So this isn’t the drastic change some of us might be hoping for, but is still a welcome shift. In regards to what we can expect with Venus in Pisces, there are several things I want to mention. First, I expect everyone to become a little more generous —with time and financially, especially if it serves our higher objectives. This is a great time to throw charity events, or donate to causes you find worthy. Pisces is an extremely compassionate sign so offer to help people out – maybe it will really pay off. Second, this is an ideal time to connect with people who can help you achieve your goals. Pisces often sees the best in people so connect with mentors or guides. Also, put more effort into mutually beneficial relationships. Finally, I want to caution you against going too far and giving too much of yourself. Yes, Venus loves being in Pisces. It is Venus’ sign of exaltation, meaning a place of honor. But that can also mean we give too much, and we are so compassionate that we get taken advantage of. Boundaries are super important and will protect you, so remember to use them. Enjoy this time, because on February 7th Venus leaves for Aries, a sign of her detriment, so embrace your romantic side, be of service, and take time to escape.