Mercury Enters Aquarius

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Today at 1:31pm EST Mercury leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius. It’s nice to have one less planet in Capricorn, and this should be the start of a new way of perceiving the world. Although, since Saturn, Aquarius’s ruler is still in Capricorn, there is definitely a serious vibe still going on. While we were consumed with practical, grounded thoughts and ideas when Mercury was in Capricorn, we can expect to now shift towards experimental, innovative, and higher level ones now that Mercury is in Aquarius. It’s important to remember that Aquarius is a fixed air sign ruled by Saturn, so while it does have an unconventional streak, it’s also very detached, and stubborn. The best way to understand this is to picture being up in the atmosphere, very high, where it is cold, and you have this giant bird’s eye view of everything below. It’s not a warm, happy place, but you are seeing the world in a new way, and this new perspective has changed how you think about things. That, to me, is what Aquarius energy can be like.

Mercury in Aquarius can really help us think outside the box, and have realizations we don’t normally have, so use it to your advantage. If you have any “out there” proposals to make, this is the time to make them because people are way more open to new thoughts. If you have a crazy idea, go for it, it may just be the ingenious solution you need – especially around January 18th when Mercury squares Uranus. I would also normally warn against being too cold, and detached with Mercury here, but since Venus is in Pisces I think that won’t be as much of an issue. Still, make sure you don’t say insensitive things, and remember people have feelings. Enjoy this time and let your mind go free!