Sun Enters Aquarius

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On Monday, January 20th, the Sun will enter Aquarius at 9:55am EST. This is the second planet in a week to leave Capricorn, yay! I told you nothing in astrology lasts forever! This won’t be warm and fuzzy energy, as Saturn also rules Aquarius, but we will feel less restrained, and ready to see things with a new perspective. Do you have a decision coming up in the next month the requires impartiality? Perfect! Do you need to make a logical choice? Perfect! These are all things that we can do more easily while the Sun is in Aquarius. Feel free to go against the flow and follow your own path for awhile, especially since we’ve been so weighed down, and constricted with all this Saturn/Pluto energy lately.

Aquarius is the sign of the water bearer, meaning they bring the water for the group. Some people interpret this less literal, and see Aquarius as carrying the group’s emotions. In the first way, by distributing the most important life force we can see Aquarius’s ability to handle responsibility in an impartial, and democratic way. It also shows Aquarius’s ability to put the needs of the group over themselves. They give everyone else the water, and are the last to take some themselves. In the second way, we can see Aquarius as being stoic personally, so they can best serve the emotional needs of the group. This is where we find them using a logical, humanitarian approach, and where their ability to see the wider picture is helpful. In both cases we can see that Aquarius has the ability to inhibit their ego, and think about what is ideal for everyone, from a logical standpoint.