Full Moon in Aries

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On Thursday, October 1st, there will be a Full Moon in Aries at exactly 4:05 pm CDT. This is often referred to as the Harvest Moon as it is the first Full Moon after the autumn equinox. Typically this is when we reap what we’ve sown all summer, either literally or metaphorically. Full Moons often bring some sort of clarity as the Moon is it’s brightest and opposes the other luminary, the Sun. Their respective signs, Aries and Libra, indicate that we need to heal ourselves if we want to have more successful relationships with others.

This Full Moon will be ruled by a retrograde Mars in Aries. Arguments or frustrations from the past may come up. Pick your battles carefully, avoid getting pulled into distracting disagreements. We also may have little patience around issues we’ve been dealing with. This Full Moon should offer some awareness that these are matters we need to resolve to bring more peace into our lives.

This Full Moon may feel like an inner crisis. The Moon will be very near Chiron so expect to see and feel where you are hurting, especially emotionally. The Sun and Moon are not closely aspected by any other planets during this Full Moon. We can see this isolation playing out in our own lives, as many of us are seeing or interacting with fewer people. We are being asked to solve our own problems and learn to rely more on ourselves.

The planetary alignments right now are a tricky balance of putting our emotional needs and boundaries first, while still reaching out and helping others. This is why it is important to pick the people you have in your life carefully as you focus on your needs.

During this Full Moon consider how your lack of healing might be hurting other people, and how their lack might be hurting you.