
New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Taurus

There is a partial Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Taurus on Saturday, April 30th at exactly 3:28 pm CDT. All of the eclipses in 2022 occur in either Taurus or Scorpio, so keep your eye on those houses in your chart. Expect some significant evolutions to come out of those areas of your life this year. Since this is only a partial eclipse, we may feel like whatever we discover, we’re only getting part of the story or missing some information. But remember, eclipses bring disturbances, so embrace it all as part of the cycle.

New Moon in Capricorn

There is a New Moon in Capricorn on Sunday, January 2nd, at exactly 12:33 pm CST. This is a critical moment that sets the tone for the new year. We must be more disciplined, tenacious, and diligent if we want the best outcomes for ourselves. 

What is a major goal we have for 2022? If we are unsure, we should narrow it down now and be ready to commit to it. Saturn has the most dignity during this New Moon, so we need to understand that it won’t be easy. But if we are prepared to work for what we want, we may be amazed at what we can accomplish. This advice applied doubly to our relationships and money as Venus is retrograde and will soon join the New Moon. Be ready and rise to the occasion if the relationship is important to you, and make sure you prioritize any financial goals.

The Moon is in a challenging position during this New Moon, so it may be uncomfortable to get in touch with our feelings. It does share a minor mutual reception with Mars, so if we can get ourselves to access our emotions and act accordingly, it should go relatively well.

We shouldn’t forget that Jupiter recently re-entered Pisces and has the second most dignity after Saturn. Don’t be afraid to be compassionate or sensitive right now because the more loving and kind your spirit is, the more insightful your actions will be.

ARIES RISING: Get exact about your career goals or how you would like to improve your public image. Envision what you can accomplish with hard work and dedication.

TAURUS RISING: Work on committing yourself to a belief system and more logical or empirical philosophies. Get serious about your education.

GEMINI RISING: Approach your deepest fears with more maturity. Commit to facing them and working diligently to overcome them. 

CANCER RISING: Be more dedicated and responsible in your close relationships. Be someone others can rely on.

LEO RISING: Bring more discipline to your daily work. Be diligent about working on your health.

VIRGO RISING: Be more mature towards what brings you joy. Elevate what you do for fun and if you have children, be more dedicated and responsible towards them.

LIBRA RISING: Commit yourself more to your family and home. Take any lessons from your ancestors or family traditions and apply them more diligently.

SCORPIO RISING: Focus on communicating more logically and objectively. Do not rush yourself when speaking; think things through. Be more committed to your siblings and neighbors.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: Approach your financial situation with more maturity and diligence. Set long-term, responsible goals for your money or assets.

CAPRICORN RISING: Focus on ensuring that others see you as a competent and responsible person. Outwardly show that you are capable of hard work and discipline.

AQUARIUS RISING: Work hard behind the scenes, and cultivate a more secure sense of self. Use periods of isolation to focus on wisdom and discipline.

PISCES RISING: Approach your hopes for the future with more tenacity and diligence. Be more pragmatic and objective about who your associate with.

Full Moon in Pisces

There will be a Full Moon in Pisces on Monday, September 20th at precisely 6:55 pm CDT. This Full Moon is all about empathy -- empathy for others AND ourselves. Feelings can be scary but push yourself to lean into them right now. Deeply experiencing our emotions is what leads to the greatest understanding and compassion.

ARIES RISING: You may be too focused on serving others as a result of unresolved trauma. Process your deeper, subconscious emotions.

TAURUS RISING: Your creative or passionate pursuits may have lead you away from making alliances with others. Remember to include others in your vision.

GEMINI RISING: Home or family issues may be distracting you from your career or affecting your reputation, don't lose sight of what you are trying to achieve.

CANCER RISING: Communicating effectively or issues in your community may be taking your focus away from what you fundamentally hold true. Don't compromise your beliefs.

LEO RISING: You may be very focused on financial or real estate concerns. Consider what deep-rooted fears are affecting your decisions.

VIRGO RISING: You may be spending too much energy on yourself or how you identify, remember your relationships also need attention.

LIBRA RISING: Dealing with what has been causing your suffering may cause you to be distracted from your daily work or health. Create a daily routine and take more care of your health.

SCORPIO RISING: Friends and alliances may be your main priority, but remember to make time for fun and what you are passionate about personally.

SAGITTARIUS RISING: You may be very focused on what is happening in your career and neglecting family or home obligations. Remember to find a balance.

CAPRICORN RISING: You may be venturing out into the world more or focusing on what you truly believe, but don't let that distract you from what is happening close to you and what you need to communicate.

AQUARIUS RISING: Your fears or dependence on others is distracting you from securing what you really value. Rebalance your priorities.

PISCES RISING: While you've been focusing on your close relationships, you may have lost sight of your true identity. Remember to consider how you want others to perceive you.

Full Moon in Aries

On Thursday, October 1st, there will be a Full Moon in Aries at exactly 4:05 pm CDT. This is often referred to as the Harvest Moon as it is the first Full Moon after the autumn equinox. Typically this is when we reap what we’ve sown all summer, either literally or metaphorically. Full Moons often bring some sort of clarity as the Moon is it’s brightest and opposes the other luminary, the Sun. Their respective signs, Aries and Libra, indicate that we need to heal ourselves if we want to have more successful relationships with others.

Full Moon in Virgo

The Full Moon in Virgo will be exact March 9th at 12:47pm CST. The dichotomy between Virgo and Pisces, which are opposite each other, will be palpable during this Full Moon. The Sun, in Pisces, will be joined closely by Neptune, a planet which has a tendency to make matters less clear. The Virgo Full Moon doesn’t appreciate this because it values organization and clarity. So while it may seem like we are trying to get some orderliness in our lives, we keep losing our way.

The best way to understand this Full Moon is to look to Jupiter in Capricorn because both the Moon and Sun connect to it during the Full Moon.