Saturn Moves Direct

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Early on Tuesday, September 29th, Saturn finally stations direct after a five-month retrograde. We probably faced a few serious obstacles or felt blocked since May. A lot of us learned that we actually need to work on or for the things we care about, things are not going to just fall into our lap. We will continue to see that only where we put our effort and time can we expect results. The good news is that paths will begin to open back up for us, and we can now make some tangible progress forward.

Saturn will continue on in Capricorn until December 17th when it moves into Aquarius. Authority and order will continue to be stressed and tested during this time. We are still finding out what power structures do and don’t work for us anymore. Continue to examine and work on your relationship with commitment, discipline, and duty.

Soon after Saturn moves direct it will square off with the retrograde Aries Mars. Don’t expect things to become better overnight, this planetary connection will create frustrations. If frustrations arise this week pay close attention and write them down. It is important to release this energy and not let it build up inside of you. Writing down your frustrations will also help you articulate what is discouraging or annoying you and is a good first step in making progress on those matters.

The last few months have been a reality check for a lot of us. Many of us learned things the hard way and felt like life was dishing out a lot of tough love. We may have seen where we were deluding ourselves, and where we weren’t putting in enough effort. These were unavoidable lessons that we needed. Take those lessons and experiences and move forward towards a better version of yourself.