Mars Turns Direct

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On Friday, November 13th, Mars ends its retrograde in Aries and stations direct. The last two months have been frustrating and, at times, depleting. It is understandable if we feel like we’ve been spinning our wheels for a while now. Thankfully, Mars is finally direct, and we can begin to take action around our frustrations and the things that haven’t been working for us.

Hopefully, the Mars retrograde pointed out what in our lives is irritating us. I say hopefully because the first step in fixing or changing something is recognizing it needs fixing or changing in the first place. As Mars moves direct and picks up speed, begin to chart a clear course of action.

As Mars moves forward in a cardinal sign, we need to focus on initiating action that takes us forward and progresses us in life. If we don’t like how something is going, now is the time we can begin to do something about it. Matters will not resolve themselves, and we can not just sit back and wait for everything to work out. We need to be more courageous and stand up for ourselves; we need to initiate change instead of relying on others to do it for us. And it doesn’t matter if we don’t know all the steps right now or exactly how it will all turn out; the important thing is to start.

We should remember to take our time, though. Mars just turned direct and is still moving incredibly slowly. Take baby steps for the next two weeks while Mars picks up speed. Focus on doing one thing at a time, one step at a time. It’s going to be tempting to be reactive; Mars in Aries can be quick and impulsive, but don’t be tricked into doing something foolish.

Look to where in your chart you have Aries and Scorpio as they are the signs ruled by Mars in traditional astrology. Those are the areas you can expect the most change and progress in. Many of us may have a lot of pent up anger or frustration after this retrograde. Please do not let it out all at once or direct it at the wrong people. Stay focused on what is really troubling or angering you, and have the confidence to change it.