Mercury Turns Direct

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Mercury officially ended its retrograde on Tuesday, November 3rd at 11:50 am CST. Mercury spent its retrograde backtracking through Scorpio all the way back to Libra, where it finally stationed direct. We should still proceed with caution, though, because Mercury is still moving very slowly and toward a square with Saturn on Friday, November 6th. Expect more delays, blockages, and difficulties for the next few days.

Mercury will move back into Scorpio on November 10th, where Mars will rule it in Aries (Mars will end its own retrograde on November 13th). People may become more aggressive and selfish in their communications, so be prepared. Try to assert yourself without being overly self-centered, and avoid becoming too wrapped in your own thoughts. Focus on communicating with deeper and more honest intentions.

Mercury will also oppose Uranus in Taurus on November 17th. Thoughts and ideas may be more scattered than usual, and we may be a little more fixated or stubborn due to this opposition taking place in fixed signs. Try to communicate your needs and desires in a healthy, productive manner.

We should also keep our eyes open for opportunities to connect intellectually with people in positions of authority or power. Mercury will sextile Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto in Capricorn, and this may provide opportunities to have our voices or ideas heard by people in high places. These sextiles happen around the end of November so especially pay attention to this around that time.

Things are still bumpy for the next few days, but we are finally gaining a little more momentum. We will see matters really begin to resolve around November 15th when Mars, Mercury’s ruler, moves direct. Hang on for a little while longer; I know the astrology of 2020 has been incredibly rough. Remember, use the power of your words for good, and don’t get stuck focusing too much on yourself.