Mercury Retrograde

Mercury Retrograde in Virgo

Mercury will station retrograde in Virgo on August 23rd at exactly 2:59 pm CDT and will continue this backward motion until September 15th. Retrogrades always create challenges for us, and this will be no exception. Making matters even more intense, this retrograde will also affect the Sun in Virgo as Mercury is its ruler, so prepare for an especially tricky next few weeks.

Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn

Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn at exactly 3:32 am CST today and will continue in this direction until January 18th, 2023. In traditional astrology, a retrograde interferes will a planet’s ability to carry out its natural functions, and since Mercury rules our thoughts, ideas, and ability to communicate, we should expect frustrations and issues in these areas of our lives.

Mercury Direct

Mercury ended its retrograde cycle on October 2nd at exactly 4:07 am CDT. We still have one more Mercury retrograde this year, beginning at the end of December when Mercury is in Capricorn. But we got through this one, so let’s focus on that for now. This retrograde felt genuinely eye-opening. We became aware (and for those already aware, became sure) that what isn’t working, especially around relationships, really isn’t working.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will station retrograde on September 9th at exactly 10:38 pm CDT. Mercury will retrograde through Libra, re-enter Virgo on September 23rd, and then station direct on October 2nd. As usual, this will primarily affect contracts, verbal agreements, plans, travel, and electronics. On top of that, Mercury is currently ruling the Sun and Venus, and Venus is ruling Mercury (we call this mutual reception in astrology), so relationships and finances will also be affected. Please double-check anything in writing, read all the fine print, and have backup plans.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will officially station retrograde on Tuesday, May 10 at exactly 6:47 am CDT and continue that motion until Friday, June 3rd. However, as Mercury is an entire planet, it takes a moment to pick up speed again, which won’t happen until June 11th. So what does this all mean? First, hold off on starting important projects until June 11th, if possible. Second, double-check everything and then check it again.

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius & Capricorn

On Friday, January 14th, Mercury will station retrograde at exactly 5:41 am CST and continue the motion until February 3rd. (Although we should wait until February 10th to start anything important.) It will move backward through Aquarius and into Capricorn during its retrograde cycle but maintain the same ruler in both signs - Saturn in Aquarius. As with any Mercury retrograde, keep in mind that anything you initiate during this time may not work out as planned, so proceed carefully and cautiously.

Mercury Enters Aquarius

Mercury enters Aquarius on Sunday, January 2nd, at exactly 1:10 am CST. Mercury will stay here for two weeks until it stations retrograde on January 14th but will start to really slow around the 10th. So this upcoming week is important! Use the next seven days to communicate anything you want to come across clearly. Also, deal with any complicated technical matters now if you can.

Mercury Enters Libra

Mercury enters Libra on Monday, August 30th at precisely 12:12 am CDT and will stay here until November 5th, which is much longer than usual due to its upcoming retrograde, which will take place from September 26th until October 18th. The next two months may have us seeing matters in a new light or learning from others what we missed. While we are reflecting on the past, we must push ourselves to be decisive.

Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius

On Saturday, January 30th, Mercury will officially station retrograde in Aquarius. This retrograde will last until about February 20th, but avoid starting anything important or buying expensive electronics until February 26th. Mercury will spend its entire retrograde in Aquarius, prompting us to reflect, take our time, and think things through, especially regarding social issues and personal responsibility.

Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio 2020

Mercury stations retrograde on Tuesday, October 13th. Mercury will start its retrograde in Scorpio and back into Libra for a bit. This retrograde will last until November 3rd, which is the same day as the US election. If you are a US citizen, please vote early and double-check your ballot and any associated paperwork. As with all Mercury retrogrades, don’t buy electronics (no, really), avoid signing important contracts, and back up your devices. Do not start any big projects, instead review what you’ve been working on.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer

Today, June 17th, Mercury ended its direct motion and turned retrograde. Mercury is still in Cancer and will remain there until the retrograde is over on July 19th. For the next few weeks we will be reviewing our feelings and re-evaluating what really nurtures us. Cancer is a sign ruled by the Moon, and remember, the Moon changes sign every 2-3 days, which is partly why Cancer is a more sensitive, and at times, moody sign. A lot of different feelings will rise up during this retrograde and it is up to us to sort through them.

Mercury Has Finally Turned Direct!

Last night, March 9th, Mercury ended it’s retrograde and returns to direct motion. From what I’ve heard from clients and friends this was an especially problematic Mercury retrograde, so we can all breathe a sigh of relief. We aren’t totally in the clear yet – Mercury is still in it’s “storm” which is when Mercury is technically direct, but is moving so slowly it still isn’t very helpful. Mark MARCH 19th in your calendars – that is when we get the official all clear and can finally start new projects.