Sun Enters Pisces

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Tonight, February 18th, the Sun will leave Aquarius at 10:57pm CST, and enter Pisces. As a water sign Pisces is sensitive and intuitive, but is also compassionate and generous because it’s planetary ruler is Jupiter. The last few months have brought a lot of Capricorn energy. Responsibilities and goals have been our focus lately, and it hasn’t been easy with Saturn and Pluto there. The Sun moving into Pisces is telling us that in order to accomplish things, sometimes we have to look past the surface.

We may have been so lost in what we’ve been doing, that there’s been little time for dealing with our feelings. And that can be a problem because if we get too focused on accomplishments we may forget what we are even trying to accomplish in the first place. We need to pause and check in with ourselves. We need to take a moment and consider the bigger picture. If we work hard and accomplish everything we want, will we be fulfilled? Are our goals really serving our best interests? With Mercury retrograde in Pisces for most of the time the Sun is here, the answers will likely come from deep inside. Make sure to spend time alone, and if you haven’t, try meditating.

Also use this time to let go a little! Give yourself permission to space out, waste the day away because we could all use a little break right now. I’m not worried about people becoming lazy or passive because there are still a lot of planets in Capricorn. Don’t worry, you will still be getting a lot done. Finally, if there is a person or situation in your life that could be helped by a more compassionate perspective, revisit it now. Use this extra sensitivity we have to mend some fences, or bridge gaps. And remember to be compassionate to yourself – these last few months have been hard. Take care of the inner you!