Mars Enters Capricorn

Mars left Sagittarius and entered Capricorn today, February 16th at 5:33am CST and will stay here until March 30th. It may not seem obvious at first, but Mars likes being in Capricorn. Being in a Saturn ruled sign gives Mars purpose and structure. Mars now knows exactly where to channel all it’s energy, and is willing to go to great lengths to get what it wants. Mars in Capricorn scales mountains, climbs the corporate ladder, masters their craft. We should turn our focus to creating solid foundations, putting one foot in front of the other, and avoiding shortcuts.

Unfortunately, Mercury is retrograde most of the time Mars is in Capricorn. Under different circumstances I might encourage launching a new business, or starting an important project with Mars here. Instead, I hope we decide to get serious about goals we have already started working toward. This placement can also bring up issues around authority and control. This will be especially true since Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto are all still in Capricorn as well. Whatever issues those planets have recently brought up in your life will continue affect you. With Mars being here as well, it just means that now we want to do something about it. We may be tired of being weighed down by our problems, and ready to start dealing with them. Just remember to do things slow and methodically, double check your work, and plan ahead!

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