Venus Enters Taurus

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Tonight, March 4th at 9:07pm, Venus officially enters Taurus. After the infatuating and impulsive energy of Venus in Aries, we are ready to settle down a little! Venus is also finally home in one of the signs it rules. Taurus is a fixed, earth sign that tends to be focused on tangible, material things. Taurus is not flighty, or wishy-washy, it likes security and stability.

The issue is, with so many planets in Capricorn, another earth sign, all this stability feels frustrating. And if we add Mercury retrograde to the mix, it may feel like we are completely stalled in some areas of our life. But we are not as stalled as we think we are! Matters may not be moving as fast as we would like, but I promise you we are making progress. While Venus is in Taurus we can alleviate some of our frustrations by enjoying ourselves in ways that engage the physical world, like having a great meal, enjoying art, or surrounding ourselves with more beauty.

This is also a great time to get your finances in order if they aren’t. We can’t forget that Venus also rules money, and while it’s in Taurus we can use the increased focus on stability to our advantage. Tauruses do like nice things, but they also really don’t like being broke. Start saving if you’ve been meaning to, and if you do spend money, spend it on quality items that will last.

Also, watch out for some surprises when it comes to relationships or financial matters. In the next few days Venus moves closer to meeting Uranus, and that means we may be thrown a curve ball. This will happen officially on Sunday, March 8th so avoid making any risky or overly impulsive decisions. The good news is that a Venus, Uranus meet up could open us up to new experiences or we may be more open minded about our relationships. Look at what house has Taurus on the cusp – that will give you more insight on what to expect.

Enjoy the next few weeks! Engage with your senses, and the things you love. Be practical with your money, and get clarity around your values. Winter is winding down, it’s time to get out of our heads and enjoy the world!