Full Moon in Virgo

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The Full Moon in Virgo will be exact March 9th at 12:47pm CST. The dichotomy between Virgo and Pisces, which are opposite each other, will be palpable during this Full Moon. The Sun, in Pisces, will be joined closely by Neptune, a planet which has a tendency to make matters less clear. The Virgo Full Moon doesn’t appreciate this because it values organization and clarity. So while it may seem like we are trying to get some orderliness in our lives, we keep losing our way.

The best way to understand this Full Moon is to look to Jupiter in Capricorn because both the Moon and Sun connect to it during the Full Moon. Also, the Sun and Neptune are ruled by Jupiter. So what can Jupiter in Capricorn tell us? First, that we need to understand how to approach our goals and desires with a combination of optimism and discipline. This Full Moon is trying to teach us about balance – we can strive for perfection, but ultimately that isn’t realistic. Remember to remain flexible, pause, and be open to inspiration. Finally, Jupiter is getting closer to Pluto in Capricorn. For some of us this Full Moon may bring something to a head in our lives. Full Moons are a time of culmination and fulfillment, and with Pluto involved serious issues could come up.

We also need to keep in mind that the ruler of the Full Moon in Virgo is Mercury, which is about to end it’s retrograde and go direct. The planet isn’t in a full-on retrograde, but it is still moving slowly and isn’t in the best condition. So still hold off starting anything important, and be careful of miscommunications.

So don’t do rock the boat, stay focused on your goals, and remember that balance is incredibly important. And if you aren’t perfect every second of every day, forgive yourself! Take breaks and find inspiration!