Sun Enters Taurus

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On April 19th the Sun left Aries and entered Taurus. As a Venus-ruled, earth sign, Taurus loves sensory experiences, comfort, and pleasure. In the Zodiac Taurus is symbolized by the bull because of its capable, steady nature. There is a great children’s story titled Ferdinand the Bull that perfectly encapsulates the dichotomy of this strong, yet peaceful spirit. At one point Ferdinand gets mistaken as a ferocious bull, but in truth Ferdinand does not want to fight like the other bulls, he would rather sit down in the bullfighting ring, and enjoy the flowers in the ladies’ hair. Tauruses can be strong if they have to be, but deep down they really just want a harmonious life full of enjoyment.

We may not have tons of energy while the Sun is here, but when we do decide to pursue something, we will do it relentlessly. Take time and think about what you would like to accomplish in the next few weeks. Focus on goals that are practical, and produce tangible results. Make sure to take time to pause and enjoy yourself. Cook the food you love, redecorate, garden, or be artistic. Avoid becoming too stubborn or possessive even though it may be tempting. Most importantly, try to stay calm and peaceful.

Soon after the Sun enters Taurus, it will meet Uranus. Pay attention to any unexpected events that happen around Sunday, April 26th. Also, as Taurus season goes on, matters may become heightened. On May 12th Venus, Taurus’ ruling planet, turns retrograde, and a few days later on May 15th & 17th, the Sun trines Pluto and Jupiter in Capricorn, causing a further transformation in our lives. Our goals and achievements are still going to be at the forefront, and we could see some changes around relationships and finances. Even though these are incredibly trying times, try to focus on cultivating a general sense of well-being and peace in your life. It may not always be easy, but it’s important we try our best.