Mercury Enters Taurus

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Today, April 27th at 2:53 pm CDT, Mercury leaves Aries and enters Taurus. If you spoke out of turn, or said something you shouldn’t have while Mercury was in Aries, Mercury in Taurus gives us a chance to calm down, and really think before we speak. Communications may slow down, as everyone takes more time deciding what they want to say, and decision making will focus on being practical.

It’s best to keep things simple while Mercury is here. Too much complexity and Mercury in Taurus gets overwhelmed and shuts down. So don’t overthink things! Communications should be easy to understand, and clear. Rambling texts about abstract concepts are not the way to go, instead focus on common sense and getting to the point.

Take time to ponder! Mull some things over. Don’t rush your decisions. I know that can lead some of us to fixate, but try to find the space between contemplating and obsessing. Mercury in Taurus can help us concentrate and focus, so use this time to your advantage! With all that is going on, this could be a good time to catch up on some work, or really think about matters you’ve been avoiding.

Watch out for Tuesday, April 28th as Mercury will square Saturn and could make the day difficult. Be extra careful about what you say, and the decisions you make, or you may end up learning things the hard way. On Thursday, April 30th Mercury will join Uranus in Taurus so pay close attention to any insights you suddenly have. We also may be extra innovative, or creative that day. Let’s take some time to appreciate a calmer state of mind, and use this time wisely.