Mercury Enters Gemini

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Today, May 11th, Mercury leaves Taurus and enters Gemini. As Gemini is one of its home signs, Mercury is exceedingly comfortable here. Our mental activities will become more engaging and spirited, and we will expand our knowledge with increased curiosity. I once heard Mercury in Gemini described as “thinking through communicating,” meaning Mercury figures out matters by talking and engaging with the outer world. This is not a situation where we are likely to sit quietly, pondering our thoughts alone, so seek out interesting conversations and ideas (from the safety of your home!).

Try to resist taking a stand just to be provocative. We may be more likely to see both sides of a matter, but we should avoid becoming hypocritical. It may be more difficult to stay inside, as boredom may really set in while Mercury is here. Make plans now to avoid being bored. Play games, do puzzles, or catch up on some reading. This is also a good time to start any writing projects you’ve been thinking about, especially since Mercury will turn retrograde next month.

Remember to keep things light, as Gemini is an air sign and likes to stay on the intellectual side of things. Deep, heavy conversations are possible as long as they are stimulating, but don’t expect anyone’s focus to last for long. Prepare to be a little more flighty, and scattered mentally for the next few weeks. It may be easy to get distracted, so plan on giving yourself lots of breaks, and inject more variety into your schedule. Take advantage of this stimulating energy by engaging with things you are curious about, and embracing conversations with others.