Mars Enters Pisces

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Today, May 12th, at 11:17 pm CDT, Mars will leave Aquarius and enter Pisces. While Mars was in Aquarius we were objective and logical. Now we turn to more intuitive insights and actions. We are still in a place where we are concerned with others, but at a more emotional level now. Hopefully Mars in Pisces can help us learn how to adapt during this tumultuous time as it pushes us to release control, and go with the flow more.

Mars in Pisces is a quiet power, you may not see it coming, but do not underestimate it. Water can be extremely destructive, just consider floods and tidal waves. Problems may suddenly arise when we least expect it in the next few weeks. Also, we should pay attention to any small, subtle issues we encounter for they may spiral into something bigger. We may turn escapism as a means of relief while Mars is here, and while that is immensely needed right now, make sure you avoid starting any destructive habits.

With the planet in the midst of a global pandemic, we can no longer live for just ourselves, we need to become more compassionate and generous. Mars in Pisces should help us understand more intuitively how we can act on behalf of others, and be more charitable. We should also try to take time to meditate, or do quiet activities as that is what Mars in Pisces prefers. That may be difficult with Mercury in Gemini energy overlapping, but try to incorporate more peacefulness into your life when you can. Mars in Pisces finds water soothing, so consider that if you find yourself frustrated. Take the next few weeks to chill out and to decompress!