Saturn Retrograde

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Well the last six months have been a lot! Many people were dealing with difficult things before the pandemic started, and now in many ways, life can seem completely overwhelming. Saturn is present in our lives to teach us about limitations, fear, and loss. Now that Saturn has turned retrograde it’s time to consider all that we’ve been through, and how we can use unfortunate circumstances for growth and renewal.

Often during retrogrades if we haven’t learned our lesson, the retrograde hits us with something startling. If you’ve been avoiding dealing with loss or disappointment, you may no longer be able to. This retrograde may challenge our limits of acceptance. We are being asked to process difficult matters so we can come to a place of peace, rather than avoidance.

During this retrograde Saturn will make one more final visit to Capricorn before re-entering Aquarius, around July 1st. Things that happened over the last couple of years while Saturn was in Capricorn may need to be revisited. We are being sent back there to make sure we learned those lessons since Saturn won’t be in Capricorn for another 28 years. Do not waste this opportunity even though it may be difficult. As long as we face what is coming for us, we will grow into better, stronger people.