Venus Retrograde

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Today, May 13th, Venus stopped its direct motion and turned retrograde. This of course doesn’t mean the planet is literally moving backward, but that the planet has moved close enough to Earth that its orbit has slowed down and it simply appears in the sky to be moving backward. When Venus turns retrograde we should similarly expect matters Venus rules (money, relationships, art) to also slow down, or reverse course. This is not a good time to start any new relationships (friendships included), or open a new investment account, and avoid any Venusian purchases such as home decor or beauty products. Also, be aware that Venus is out of bounds so we may have a really hard time controlling ourselves for the next six weeks.

It is especially important we don’t act too impulsively during this retrograde because Venus is in Gemini, a sign that is especially prone to changing its mind. If this happens don’t take any of your new feelings or opinions too seriously. Gemini is also a sign that loves to communicate so texts from exes are particularly likely to happen. Take stock of the situation, reconsider it, but don’t do anything impulsive, notably because a square to Neptune means we are not seeing matters clearly. This retrograde will be over on June 25th so try to hold off as much as possible until then.

Retrogrades are not a good time to act, but they can be a great opportunity to react. I’ve said before retrogrades can be a test to see if you’ve actually learned your lesson about something. The retrograde wants to see if this time around you will change how you react to the situation. We may find ourselves re-evaluating what we like or enjoy as Venus also rules pleasure. Be open to finding new things that bring you joy. Because Venus is in Gemini these ideas may be more whims than things we should take seriously, but we can certainly try things out and see how they fit. By the time we get to the end of the next six weeks we may come out with very different values, get ready!