
Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will station retrograde on September 9th at exactly 10:38 pm CDT. Mercury will retrograde through Libra, re-enter Virgo on September 23rd, and then station direct on October 2nd. As usual, this will primarily affect contracts, verbal agreements, plans, travel, and electronics. On top of that, Mercury is currently ruling the Sun and Venus, and Venus is ruling Mercury (we call this mutual reception in astrology), so relationships and finances will also be affected. Please double-check anything in writing, read all the fine print, and have backup plans.

Mars Enters Gemini

Mars enters Gemini on August 20th at exactly 2:56 am CDT and will stay here for an incredible seven months due to an upcoming Mars retrograde. I can’t stress enough how impactful and, quite honestly, exhausting the next seven months will be. Gemini energy, while lighthearted, can be chaotic, so we must maintain a strong core; otherwise, we may find ourselves shaken and tossed around in ways we don’t appreciate.

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury will officially station retrograde on Tuesday, May 10 at exactly 6:47 am CDT and continue that motion until Friday, June 3rd. However, as Mercury is an entire planet, it takes a moment to pick up speed again, which won’t happen until June 11th. So what does this all mean? First, hold off on starting important projects until June 11th, if possible. Second, double-check everything and then check it again.

Venus Retrograde in Capricorn

Venus will station retrograde in Capricorn on Sunday, December 19th, and continue this motion until January 29th. Our relationships and financial situations will undergo a review and adjustment process that is only just getting started as Venus will stay in Capricorn until March 5th. Themes around stability and commitment will be unavoidable as we prune weak relationships to allow the strong to flourish.

Venus Enters Capricorn

Venus will enter Capricorn on Friday, November 5th, at exactly 5:44, am CDT. Venus will stay in Capricorn for around four months due to a retrograde cycle that will take place from December 19th until January 29th. We need to consider who we can build a future with, and more importantly, who do we want to build a future with? It’s time to get serious and prioritize the people you care about.

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius

Saturn will station retrograde in Aquarius on May 23rd and continue this motion until October 10th, 2021. We should hold off starting any important long-term projects if possible until Saturn stations direct, as this is a time for reflection and review. If you know what house in your chart has Aquarius on the cusp, consider especially that area of your life. There may be matters that need some adjustments or rethinking.

Mars Retrograde

Today, September 9th, Mars turns retrograde in Aries. Mars will spend its entire retrograde in Aries, something that hasn’t happened since 1941, and will turn direct on November 13th. If you have Aries placements, or strong Mars placements in your natal chart, this retrograde could be especially impactful for you. It is important to prepare and understand that matters will be a lot less predictable for the next two months. Spend this time reassessing, dealing with your frustrations, and accepting the consequences of your actions.

Venus Turns Direct

Gemini likes to connect with its immediate environment, so how have your feelings about your community changed? Maybe we don’t value the same things as our neighbors, or maybe we’re starting to appreciate them more than ever. With Mercury still retrograde in Cancer we are really thinking about where we came from, and where we find comfort. Some of us may have decided that where we are living and how we are living isn’t working for us anymore.

Neptune Retrograde

At 11:31 pm CDT on Monday, June 22nd Neptune will turn retrograde. We now have six planets retrograde (although Venus will finally turn direct on Thursday). A lot of us are doing some introspection and realizing that we have some changes in our lives to make. Neptune turning retrograde will bring up where in our lives we’ve been idealistic, and also where we’ve been disillusioned. We are really being asked right now to notice where things aren’t what we thought they were. A lot of us are grappling with a new reality, and that theme is only going to continue. Now that our vision is starting to clear, it is time for us to accept what is right in front of us.

Jupiter Retrograde

Today, May 14th, Jupiter turns retrograde for the next four months. This will give us a long chance to re-evaluate our goals and aspirations. We’ve been dealing with a lot of changes in our lives, and this may have shifted what we value and how we approach our goals. Jupiter will spend the entirety of its retrograde in Capricorn, a sign that is primarily concerned with propriety and practicality. This retrograde may bring up issues around how we are growing as people.

Venus Retrograde

Today, May 13th, Venus stopped its direct motion and turned retrograde. This of course doesn’t mean the planet is literally moving backward, but that the planet has moved close enough to Earth that its orbit has slowed down and it simply appears in the sky to be moving backward. When Venus turns retrograde we should similarly expect matters Venus rules (money, relationships, art) to also slow down, or reverse course.

Saturn Retrograde

Well the last six months have been a lot! Many people were dealing with difficult things before the pandemic started, and now in many ways, life can seem completely overwhelming. Saturn is present in our lives to teach us about limitations, fear, and loss. Now that Saturn has turned retrograde it’s time to consider all that we’ve been through, and how we can use unfortunate circumstances for growth and renewal.

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

Today, Sunday, February 16th Mercury has officially started it’s retrograde motion! Mercury will retrograde through Pisces, and will continue to retrograde back into Aquarius as well. This may be an especially confusing retrograde because Mercury already gets easily confused and taken off track when in Pisces. Now add retrograde motion to that, and the confusion could easily skyrocket.