Sun Enters Cancer

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On Saturday, June 20th, the Sun will leave Gemini and enter Cancer at 5:44 pm CDT. Having the Sun in a Moon ruled sign will highlight our emotions, intuition, and memories. The Moon represents the feminine energy that creates life and our origins, and also where we find comfort. While the Sun is in Cancer pay attention to the structures and habits you’ve fallen into simply because they were comforting.

Spend the next few weeks considering how you were raised. What was the environment like? How were you treated? Many times the conditions of our upbringing stay with us. It may affect our ability to speak out because we were discouraged from it, it may stop us from going against the group because we were told it’s better to fit in. Also, how we were treated affects how we see ourselves. Some of us may have been told we aren’t good enough, or that our ideas are silly. The messages we received growing up frame how capable we see ourselves.

There are a lot of changes going on right now, both astrologically and in the world, so we are going to have some important choices to make. With so many planets retrograde, and a solar eclipse just hours after the Sun enters Cancer, we are reconsidering many things in our lives. We are all going through changes that are making us uncomfortable, but I think that if we think about things long term these changes will really help us get to even better place. I encourage us to recognize that staying in a comfortable place just because it’s comfortable isn’t what we’re meant to do with our lives.

The Sun will leave Cancer on July 22nd so care for your inner child for the next few weeks. It may be a very emotional time so give yourself room to feel your feelings, and be supportive to yourself.